
    NC District & Superior Court Judges

    Voters Choose One Per Seat

    NC District Court Judge - District 3, Seat 5

    NC District Court District 3 Candidate Wendy S. Hazelton

    Wendy Smallwood Hazelton

    Your current job and title:


    District Court Judge


    Your highest level of education:


    Juris Doctor


    If you’re elected or re-elected, what will be your top priority? Why?


    My main priority as a District Court Judge is to serve the people of Pitt County in a fair and impartial manner. As a District Court
    Judge, I have to apply the appropriate law to the evidence presented in an unbiased manner to reach a decision.


    If you’re elected or re-elected, how will you involve your constituents in the process of making decisions?


    In making decisions as a District Court Judge, I cannot allow my knowledge of or relationship with a litigant interfere with the
    decisions I make. If I find that I cannot be fair, I have outside knowledge about the case, or I have a personal relationship with a litigant, it is my duty to recuse myself from hearing the matter to provide that all parties are treated fairly.


    Why should voters choose you for the position you’re running for?


    I have been serving in this position for almost eight years and I believe that I bring something different to the bench as a female and a person of color. There needs to be representation on the bench that reflects the community being served, someone that understands and sees the plights of the community.


    It is understood that not everyone will be happy with the decisions being made, because there has to be someone that is not going to be victorious on an average day in this adversarial process. However, I have always and will continue to allow parties to be heard and have their day in court and not allow my personal feelings or politics to interfere with that process.


    Which three things about you do you most want voters to know?


    I am fair, impartial, and merciful.


    Is there anything else about you that you wish to tell voters?


    I appreciate the support of the voters and the faith that has been bestowed upon me to serve in this capacity. It has been one of
    the most rewarding experiences and I love what I do. As has always been my mantra from the first days of campaigning, "Making a Difference From the Bench" is something I am able to do with the continued support of my constituents, because I know I did not get here by myself.

    NC District Court Judge - District 3, Seat 6

    broken image

    Mario E. Perez 

    Your current job and title:


    Pitt County District Court Judge


    Your highest level of education:


    Georgetown University Law Center (Juris Doctor)


    If you are elected or re-elected, what will be your top priority?



    I will continue to treat people with respect, give parties and attorneys the opportunity to be heard, and follow the law. In matters of
    discretion, I will do my best to be fair to all parties. I believe a good judge follows these practices.


    If you’re elected or re-elected, how will you involve your constituents in the process of making decisions?


    As a judge, I serve all the people of Pitt County, not only those who are involved in the judicial process in some way, such as a party, a witness, or a victim. As such, I am mindful that many of my decisions impact my
    community. A judge’s role is to be independent of politics and instead to
    follow the law. Unlike a legislator, I cannot ask my “constituents” for general input before deciding a case or an issue. But rather, I am mindful to give those people in my courtroom a chance to be heard. And in cases involving children, I am aware of the awesome responsibility I have for their future.



    Which three things about you do you most want voters to know? 


    (1) That I take my responsibilities as a judge seriously.


    (2) That before becoming a judge, I practiced law for 35 years, much of it as a solo practitioner handling many of the types of cases that I hear now as a judge.


    (3) That I am always willing to learn


    Is there anything else about you that you wish to tell the voters?


    That I will be starting my second four-year term as a judge and that I believe the most effective tools I use are (1) listening, (2)
    questioning, and (3) showing patience. I want to thank the Pitt County citizens for their vote.

    NC District Court Judge - District 3, Seats 3 & 4

    Awaiting candidate responses.

    NC Superior Court Judge - District 3, Seat 1

    Jeffery Foster, candidate for NC Superior Court Judge District 3, Seat 1

    Jeffery B. Foster

    Your current job and title:


    Resident Superior Court Judge, District 3, Greenville, N.C.


    Your highest level of education: 


    I have a BS Degree from East Carolina University in Criminal Justice (1983)

    Juris Doctor degree from Campbell University School of Law (1990)

    LLM Degree from Nottingham Trent University, England


    If you’re elected or re-elected, what will be your top priority? Why?  


    As I prepare to begin my second eight-year term as a Superior Court Judge, my top priority is to administer the law fairly and impartially, and to support and maintain the constitutions of both NC and the United States while treating everyone who appears before me with respect.


    Why should voters choose you for the position you’re running for? 


    I am honored that the attorneys of Pitt County again have expressed their trust and confidence in me in that I am again unopposed for this seat.


    Which three things about you do you most want voters to know?  


    1. I believe that each person that appears in my court is entitled to be treated with respect.

    2. I believe that all cases before me should and will be decided based upon the facts and the law only.

    3. I believe that our justice system is the best in the world and that a trial by jury is the most important right afforded the people.


    Is there anything else about you that you wish to tell voters? 


    It has been the honor of my career to serve as a superior court judge. I look forward to my next term and promise to do my best in service to the law, the courts, and the people of North Carolina.