
    Pitt County Board of Education                   District 8

    One Unopposed Candidate - Voters Choose One

    (see district map)

    Amanda Klein

    Amanda Klein - Pitt Co. Board of Education District 8 Candidate

    Your current job and title:


    Professor of Media Studies in the English Department at ECU

    Your highest level of education: PhD

    If you're elected or re-elected, what will be your top priority? Why?

    Teachers are the foundation of Pitt County Schools and therefore, a central priority of my tenure will focus on recruiting and
    retaining dedicated, effective teachers through the creation of maintenance of an equitable work environment, competitive salaries, and the support of the community. Over the next few months, I will be meeting with teachers and staff in District 8 to find out what their greatest needs and challenges are, and how the school board can support them.


    I will strongly advocate for teacher raises and other incentives for retention (professional development opportunities, state
    sponsorship of continuing education, etc.)


    If you're elected or re-elected, how will you involve your constituents in the process of making decisions?

    I will involve constituents in multiple ways:


    I am currently meeting with the principals in my district to determine what is working well for them and where they need more help and support. I will be meeting with teachers to discuss these same issues. I will be holding a campaign event for constituents to talk to me about their concerns and hopes for District 8 schools.


    I will be attending PTA meetings for schools in my district to discuss parent concerns. As a working parent, I also understand the differing needs and schedules of our public-school families; not everyone has the time or ability to participate in fundraisers, meetings or school events. Therefore, as a member of the school board I will work with each school’s PTAs to think about and implement more inclusive ways to engage all parents and guardians in the school community.

    Why should voters choose you for the position you're running for?

    I am a proud product of the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, public school system and my husband of the Auburn, NY, public school system. My son recently graduated from C.M. Eppes and is excited to attend J.H. Rose in the fall. My daughter attended both Eppes and J.H. Rose before enrolling in the North Carolina School of Science and Math in Durham, a public, STEM-focused boarding school. Maisy recently graduated and will continue to receive an excellent public school education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am grateful to our public-school systems for educating my entire family, and, if given the opportunity to represent District 8, I want to ensure that Pitt County continues to serve and support our community’s children.


    I have lived in Greenville for the last 16 years and I am proud to be a member of this community. During that time I have tried to
    give back whenever I can. I have been a Meals on Wheels driver since the summer of 2021, delivering hot, nutritious meals to seniors in our area. This weekly service has provided me with a deep connection with my neighbors and serves as a constant reminder of the way that we are all connected and rely on each other. For the last two years I have served on the executive board of the C.M. Eppes PTA as the Executive Board Secretary. This service has provided me with in-depth knowledge about the struggles and the successes experienced by Eppes students, faculty and staff. I have also canvassed for local candidates, worked to register voters and hosted fundraisers to benefit my wider community. I see the four-year term on the Board of Education as another way to serve a community that has served me, and my family, so well.


    Which three things about you do you most want voters to know?


    As an educator who has taught ECU students for 17 years and as a parent of two Pitt County public school students, I understand where our schools have succeeded and what our challenges are.

    As someone who speaks for a living, I am highly skilled at expressing my point of view and advocating for others. I am a fighter!

    I have a lot of leadership experience from ECU and in my field (serving as chair of many organizations and committees) as well as my time in the PTA. I am a strong leader and also a team player. I always do the reading!


    Is there anything else about you that you wish to tell voters?


    I am big animal lover: we have two dogs, two cats, and some backyard chickens.