
    Pitt County Board of Education                  District 6

    Voters Choose One Candidate (see district map)

    Worth Forbes, Candidate for Pitt County Board of Education, District 6

    Worth Forbes

    Your current job and title:


    I am currently the Pitt County School board member for District 6. I am also the pastor of Freedom Baptist Church in Ayden, located on Snow Hill Street.


    Your highest level of education:


    Master’s Degree in Administration and an Ed.S. in Educational Administration and Supervision


    If you're elected or re-elected, what will be your top priority? Why?


    To continue to build a successful school system for students and support the teachers and staff in implementing programs to improve Reading and Math growth. Students need good reading and math skills to be successful in all other subject areas. Both reading and math are important for today’s job markets. If students are not able to read on grade level, whether they are college bound or learning a trade, these two subjects will impact their performance. Not being on grade level and not making growth in these two subjects can also have an impact on students’ classroom behaviors, can create low self-esteem, and can affect students’ mental health. Not being at grade level can also cause some students to give up on their education altogether and cause them to drop out of school. Our school system needs to analyze test schools to see if the instructional programs we have in place are effective in achieving growth in Reading and Math.


    If you're elected or re-elected, how will you involve your constituents in the process of making decisions?


    I feel that my constituents are vital in being part of the decision-making process in Pitt County Schools. In my three previous terms as a school boardmember, I have strived to have an open line of communication with my constituents. My constituents have access to my personal phone number, webpage, and are able to text message me. Many times, I have met with individuals or groups at neutral locations to discuss school related topics of their concern. I have also encouraged concerned groups, as well as individuals, to speak at board meetings during public expression times. A new idea I am planning for my next term, is to offer to have meet and greet sessions with constituents, including interested students, where they can voice their concerns or share ideas about their educational experiences. I hope to have one session per grading period.


    Why should voters choose you for the position you're running for?


    I have been a career educator in the Pitt County School System with experience as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, 9-12 Director, and Associate Superintendent of Pitt CountySchools. I have strived to serve mycommunity, students, staff, and families of Pitt County Schools through a conservative voice on our school board. I have always fought to make sure the parents and teachers of the county have a voice, and I’ve done my best to support and implement their ideas. I have always tried to keep our classrooms safe. This includes ensuring physical and instructional safety. I have focused on ensuring curriculum content is relevant and supports instruction while aligning with the values and beliefs shared by my constituents. I strive to put programs in place that have a proven track record, rather than ideas that have no basis or merit in supporting learning in the classroom. I have worked hard to make Pitt County Schools a system where students are challenged and acknowledged for their successes.


    Which three things about you do you most want voters to know?


    First, I am concerned about our teacher burnout and staff turnover. The schoolsystem puts so much effort into onboarding, training and growing great teachers only to have them leave the profession. We should listen to teachers’ concerns with the intent of making adjustments which address their concerns when deemed appropriate. I know there are teachers in our county that have such a high workload that they cannot be effective with instructional strategies. When the school environment is better for our teachers and staff, then our turnover rate will be lower. I have recently brought up at our board meetings the topic of reducing programs in our schools that are not effective. I believe getting rid of ineffective programs will lighten the load on teachers so they can be more effective. We also need to keep increasing teacher supplements each year until our teachers receive a 10% supplement. Keeping effective teachers in our system will benefit the students greatly.


    Secondly, I believe that our county needs to conduct an annual review of our 15-year plan to handle growth in our schools. We have certain areas of the county where space constraints due to high population growth must be addressed in a proactive way. Many of our schools can have extra classrooms added that will take care of growth, but it requires planning and intentionality. We, as a board, must do all we can to meet the diverse needs of schools without redistricting. Many parents are living where they want their children to attend school, and we have a responsibility to ensure they have access to the schools they choose. It is neighborhood schools that our families cherish.


    Finally, I strive to serve my community. I am the pastor at Freedom Baptist Church in Ayden located on Snow Hill Street. Through the church, we have given so many supplies to families who need school supplies. We have given bookbags, paper, pens, markers, calculators as well as other supplies. During a recent event, we had 175 participants from the community either receiving or helping distribute supplies. We have several activities during the school year to help the students in our community.


    Is there anything else about you that you wish to tell voters?


    I am very proud of my family. I am married to Karen Forbes, and we have two children, Thompson Forbes and Caroline Burroughs. Both are married and work in the medical field. Thompson is a professor in the School of Nursing at ECU and Caroline is a charge nurse at Wake Med in Raleigh. Karen and I have four grandchildren, two of which currently attend Pitt County Schools.


    I am also proud of my past leadership record as an administrator in Pitt County Schools. As principal at Pactolus, Chicod, Farmville Central High School and South Central High School, I led staff and students from schools of lower state test scores to schools of high performing test scores. I feel that my management techniques also helped improve discipline at all the schools at which I was principal.


    Erin Kessel, candidate for Pitt County Board of Education, District 6

    Erin Kessel

    Your current job and title:


    Teaching Instructor within the College of Education at East Carolina University


    Your highest level of education:


    Master of Arts in Teaching


    If you're elected or re-elected, what will be your top priority? Why?


    Teacher Retention. My main focus would be retaining our teachers in our county, specifically our 15+ year veteran teachers. Our teachers are burning out earlier and earlier and we are not providing them adequate acknowledgments through the state pay scale at this current time. As a district representative of Pitt County, I would like to work with other stakeholders to develop benefits for our veteran teachers that will allow those teachers to share their wealth of knowledge with others while also being compensated. I truly believe that we have some of the BEST teachers in the state and it hurts my heart to see so many not able to make it to retirement before needing to change career paths.


    With this same thought, I would like to continue to find avenues of ways to create support staff positions that will relieve teachers' additional roles such as nurse, counselor, social worker, etc. The low number of nurses, social workers and school psychologists means that we are sharing these staff members between too many schools and not adequately able to support both the students as well as support the teachers so that they can focus on teaching.


    If you're elected or re-elected, how will you involve your constituents in the process of making decisions? 


    I truly believe we need to look at Pitt County as a whole when it comes to supporting our staff, students and community. Although it would be my responsibility to share the needs and aspirations of my district, I believe that what is helpful and meaningful for one district would be helpful and meaningful for all of our districts in Pitt County. As we see success in one area or one school, we need to be sure to capitalize on this and share it with other areas and schools. To make Pitt County Schools one of the top in our state means that we need to work as a team and support each other's ideas and share these with everyone for the good of the school system, its students, the staff, and our community.


    Why should voters choose you for the position you're running for?


    As a former public school teacher in Pitt County for 12 years and the Pitt County Schools Teacher of the Year in 2015-2016, I believe that I have a truly authentic view of what our schools need and what it takes to make students, a classroom, a school and a school district a success! Now, as a teaching instructor at ECU, I take my pre service education students into Pitt County School classrooms and we work directly with administration and teachers to make it a great experience for all. I am still in the hallways of our schools, talking with students, teachers, and admin on a consistent basis.


    My husband, a high school science teacher in Pitt County, also provides me additional insight of what is going on within the schools from a teacher's perspective. My children attend schools in Pitt County, where I am an active PTA member, and I believe this supports my lens as a parent within the schools and I can advocate for parent's needs as they assist their students through their education. My family are also active members in the community of District 6. We spend much of our time supporting local business, our children play and we coach in our local recreation program, and we also attend many community events to support our community members in the area.


    Which three things about you do you most want voters to know?


    I am a true believer in the public school system and believe that we live in one of the BEST school districts in our state that truly values and wants to ensure our students and staff succeed.


    I believe in community and advocating for ALL in order for everyone to feel heard and represented. After spending so many years in the classroom, I acknowledge that all students deserve success whether they are college or career ready.


    Students need to be provided all pathways of success post high school and I will advocate for ALL students to ensure that whatever pathway they choose, they are provided support and opportunities through their public education career.


    Is there anything else about you that you wish to tell voters?


    I am a full believer of Pitt County Schools and our community!! My goal is to be an ear and a voice for not only my district, but the whole county!